
January 21, 2015

Right Doctor (Prospecting)

Sell to people who want what you have.
Customer who first:
1-acknowledge that they need, want and
2-can afford what we're selling, and
3-commit to buy from us at a specified time.
If we fulfill their Conditions of Satisfaction

Prospecting Criteria
  • Physician type/specialty.
  • Physicians' need /Personality.
  • Patient base/class.
  • Prescription patterns.
  • Potential for more than one product.
  • Use of your product /Responsiveness.
  • Reference (influence) group.
  • Working in different places.
Well, the closer a customer fits that description,the higher the probability he will buy from us.
Obviously we should spend most of our time and resources talking to this category of customers.

 If you miss your R-doctor
           You miss your 
There’s no potential doctor
Except  ...
for my product 
We don't waste time trying to sell
A customer who probably won't buy from us.

  • Why waste the effort/resources?
  • That's a basic in Sales philosophy.
20% of your Right customer
                                     80 % of your business